Monday, May 26, 2008

Summer Endeavors

I finally got my blogspot to work again... Anyways, it feels like months since I left school when it has only been a mere 3 weeks. Within those three weeks I hung out with a lot of people. For instance, Ryan and Leiah, Thai, my best friends from the hood, Josh and Raj. With an exception of a couple of outings here and there (mostly with Ryan and Leiah) my Summer has been bumming around and job searching... Hopefully Summer will pick up and I will have something to write. By the way, sorry that I had a huge gap between posts.. My log in for blogspot was being weird. Hope all of you are having a fantastic summer!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Shout Outs

Can't believe I'm saying this... this is the last day of freshman year.... This year went by quick.. Can't say I had a bad time here. I met a lot of cool people.... I lived a dorm life... experienced new things :P but most of all I got to live in Chicago. I hope I'll see more of the same next year. Now time for the shout outs!
Tony- You kicked ass.. you always helped me out.. when I needed someone in a non gay way.. you were there for me.
MT- It was cool hanging out with you.. it felt as if I never left the hood at all.
Garth- He'd be like the group badass.. in my view. We should definitely hang out this summer. Say my name.
Brad&Marq- You guys were crazy... we should hang out next year... Don't Mayo my door.
Mike- Sucha bro... we should meet up at streets fo sho.
Jason- We should definitely meet up sometime.
Ryan- We all knew you were a Butt Pirate all along.
All in all, this year has been good to me.. I should expect more of the same.. Right now I just want finals to get out of the way asap.. I wanna go home and play some GTA 4... I cant wait.