Sunday, July 20, 2008

One Day at a Time

Summer started out slowly for sure but recently it has been picking up pace. The sad thing is that it took until the middle of summer to do so. Lifes good so far. A lot of things happening in my life. A job is not one of them tho. My new blog with Priyanth is doing very well. We get a lot of traffic and I love to write in it. That is the main reason I don't update this blog as much as I did earlier. If you haven't checked it out it is called Please feel free to do the poll and what not. Interactive was the main point I am trying to get across. Other than that, I got a new phone, Samsung Instinct, I am really happy with it. Probably more than if I had an iPhone 3g. Last week as well as this week were and are soo busy in a good way. Barrington Reunion which should be fun is coming up fairly soon. And, one of the highlights of my summer was watching the Dark Knight. Great acting, great story, great film. Another surprise, I was randomly put in a room with my friend from High School for dorming next year. How crazy is that? I can't wait for MRH. There is just soo much going on right now. Hopefully, sometime in the near future I get my photoshoot with the great Ryan Calacsan.